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Peak Performance Mental Training and Sports Hypnosis

Peak Performance Mental Training and Sports Hypnosis can be the Difference that makes the Difference.

     While most athletes spend a considerable amount of time working on developing the techniques and the physical conditioning needed for their sport, very few take the extra step of engaging in a mental training program to get the most out of their bodies. Yet, athletes who neglect to engage in mental training are leaving out a key component of a complete training regimen.   Our minds are extremely powerful and our beliefs can either limit what we can do physically or enable us to do more than we ever dreamed was possible.  


     A mental training program can be, and often is, the difference between elite athletes and those who are simply very good at their sports.  Athletes who do not engage in mental training are missing out on the opportunity to program themselves for to be in the right emotional and mental state for success instead of leaving it to chance and relying solely on physical conditioning and technique to overcome any mental limitations or poor performance states.


Mental training can help athletes accomplish the following: 

  • Reinforce established athletic goals

  • Program the body to perform automatically and achieve specific results through visualization

  • Mentally rehearse perfect technique to improve physical technique

  • Manage and reduce nervousness before and during competition

  • Enter the "flow" state for peak performance on demand

  • Adjust and/or re-center their emotional and mental state during competition in reaction to unexpected issues

  • Eliminate and/or transform critical and negative self talk

  • Eliminate limiting beliefs about what is and is not possible

  • Manage stresses associated with coach and parent relationships and with competitions

  • Increase concentration and focus and eliminate distractions

  • Eliminate fears and phobias and any past traumatic performances fueling fears

  • Learn to control pain

  • Manage injuries by continuing to mentally practice while injured to maintain muscle memory

  • Increase performance motivation and motivation to practice

  • Improve bodily awareness

     Not all mental training involves the use of hypnosis.  Most mental training techniques involve the use of imagery and visualization which can be quite powerful when used to rehearse the perfect performance in order to make it more likely to happen automatically when it is time for the performance.  Hypnosis serves to amplify the results of mental training, and has been show to dramatically increase the effectiveness of mental training techniques that can also be used without hypnosis.


     At No Limits Hypnosis we work with teams (without using hypnosis) to teach them about the power of the mind and how it can be harnessed for maximum and peak performance.  We also work one on one with athletes (using non hypnotic techniques and hypnosis when appropriate) to help them create the perfect conditions for athletic performance including: the perfect state for competition, the perfect visualization and imagery for them to use daily to program their mind and body for success, and the perfect techniques and tools to use to manage setbacks or issues that may otherwise impede success.  Its our goal to equip athletes to use these tools on their own to achieve their best results.

     Many elite athletes in many different sports have used mental training and hypnosis to achieve their peak performances including: Ryan Murphy (swimming), Tiger Woods (golf) , Jack Nickalus (golf), Andre Agassi (tennis), Mark McGwire (baseball), Michael Jordan (basketball), Kobe Bryant (basketball), Frank Bruno (boxing), Mike Tyson (boxing), Greg Louganis (diving), Mary Lou Retton (gymnastics), and many more.  

     Mental training skills are useful far beyond the athletic field, court, pool or other competitive venue, they are also life skills that often directly translate to the professional working world.  The same mental training skills that help an athlete perform well in a competition can be used to help an executive make better presentations, to help lawyers perform better during trials, to help musicians and actors perform better, to help salespeople close more deals and to help people interact in ways that bring the results they desire.  With these skills, there really are no limits.

Contact us today to see how we can help you perform better!

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